MALDEN reader


Friday, February 4, 2011

Recommended Reading: Astray3 by Eldon Cowgur

While you're all waiting for Monday's update, I want to recommend a webcomic that I can only say is .... Perfect.

Astray3 by Eldon Cowgur (I hope I spelled it right) is equal parts Fantasy/Sci-fi meets Never Ending story weirdness and stars a heroine who almost feels like a femal version of my 19 year old self (very relatable).  Emily Hargroves (our heroine) goes from her usual dull routine of burger flipping to ending up in a fantasy/sci-fi world that is so different than anything I've ever read.  The only thing I can compare it to is Bone and Little Nemo in Slumberland.  Its THAT good.

The fact that this comic isn't getting thousands of hits just boggles my mind.  It is literally one of the best comics (not just webcomic, but all comic art) I've had the pleasure to read through.  Do not deprive yourself of this goodness. GO! 



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