MALDEN reader


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Poll Results and Playing with Wordpress

At this very moment the consensus is towards Comicpress style reading in the polling.  I've been playing around with Comicpress and Webcomic.  Webcomic is used on Tinkers of the Wasteland, if you want a example.  For me, it's easier to use vs. Comicpress.

The only thing I REALLY want is the Gravatars used in Comicpress. Basically, if you have a Gravatar, you can use it to comment on any webcomic that supports gravatars.  It'd be nice to put faces to the folks who read MALDEN instead of wondering what everyone looks like.

I also picked up Manga Studio EX 4 over the weekend, and I can say I'm blown away at how intuitively built it is for comicking.  Highly recommended and I'll be switching over to it once the current arc is done (page 42, I hope).

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